ECOYA Qty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 購買 is currently backordered. You may still purchase it now but we won't be able to ship it until it becomes available again. 香氛蠟燭 80 g/ 25小時 + 迷你薰香瓶50ml (2~3個月) 這款禮品套組包括小蠟燭和小薰香瓶, 散發出ECOYA經典香氛〜高雅蓮香和甜豌茉莉的迷人香氣。 禮盒包裝用金屬玫瑰色禮盒與胭脂灰色套筒結合的精緻設計, 如此精巧迷你的套裝禮盒組,更能表達誠摯的心意和祝福。 您可能會喜歡... ECOYA 甜豌茉莉經典迷你香氛精裝組 ECOYA $1,760.00   購買 ECOYA清新松木週年紀念禮盒 ECOYA $3,980.00   購買 ECOYA 番石榴荔枝香氛寵愛組 ECOYA Sold Out Sold Out