ECOYA Qty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sold Out is currently backordered. You may still purchase it now but we won't be able to ship it until it becomes available again. Limited Edition: Guava & Lychee Sorbet Bodycare Pamper Pack 熱帶的成熟番石榴花蜜與昆士蘭荔枝風味的活潑香氣和果雞尾酒交織在一起,散發出溫暖而性感的香氣。 身體洗手露 450ml + 身體護手乳液 450ml 限量版包裝,採用傳統調色板,融入當代流行色彩元素和輕盈的金色細節。 您可能會喜歡... ECOYA 甜豌茉莉經典迷你香氛精裝組 ECOYA $1,760.00   購買 ECOYA高雅蓮香經典迷你香氛精裝組 ECOYA $1,760.00   購買 ECOYA清新松木週年紀念禮盒 ECOYA $3,980.00   購買