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Giesen 袍情純釀 白蘇維翁白酒 2016 750ml
  • Giesen 袍情純釀 白蘇維翁白酒 2016 750ml

is currently backordered. You may still purchase it now but we won't be able to ship it until it becomes available again.

Giesen Brothers Sauvignon Blanc 2016 750ml

Vintage Conditions In Marlborough a dry 2015 winter

created some concern about the growing season ahead

but soil moisture levels were high enough to maintain

exceptionally healthy vines. In early December, the average

air temperature increased which resulted in a particularly

successful flowering period. Rain events in January

and February ensured that fruit set and berry

development conditions were ideal. With increased temperatures

from February onwards, it was the perfect soughtafter

ripening environment that favours flavour development,

while retaining acidity with the cooler nights.

Alc/Vol: 13%

pH: 3.28

TA: 7.42g/L

Residual Sugar: 5.5g/L