Giesen Qty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 is currently backordered. You may still purchase it now but we won't be able to ship it until it becomes available again. 您可能會喜歡... Giesen 吉森.瑪爾堡 白蘇維翁白酒 MINI 2016 -MINI 375ml Giesen $500.00   Giesen 吉森.瑪爾堡 黑皮諾紅酒 2016 750ml Giesen $1,350.00   Giesen 吉森經典特釀氣泡酒 2017 Giesen $1,100.00   Giesen 吉森 Tokidoki白蘇維翁白酒 2017 750ml Giesen $1,180.00