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Giesen 吉森.瑪爾堡 黑皮諾紅酒 2016 750ml
  • Giesen 吉森.瑪爾堡 黑皮諾紅酒 2016 750ml

is currently backordered. You may still purchase it now but we won't be able to ship it until it becomes available again.

Giesen Estate Pinot Noir 2016 750ml

紅櫻桃, 李子, 乾香料和蘑菇的味道與橡木氣息萬美結合,

酒體飽滿也不失柔和, 口感如絲般 柔軟潤滑, 酸度平衡悠長,


Alc/Vol: 13.5.%

pH: 3.57

TA: 5.35g/L

Residual Sugar: 2.5g/L