ECOYA Qty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 is currently backordered. You may still purchase it now but we won't be able to ship it until it becomes available again. ECOYA Tahitian Lime & Grapefruit Maisy Jar Candle 160g 少許苦大黃茶可增強葡萄柚,檸檬和大溪地酸橙的柑橘香氣。強力而令人愉悅的香味,目的使廚房更加清新。 有兩種獨特的香味可供選擇:杜松漿果&薄荷和大溪地酸橙&葡萄柚,由天然大豆蠟製成。 Maisy Jar不僅可以放在廚房櫃檯上,還可以燃燒長達36小時。 您可能會喜歡... ECOYA 杜松漿果薄荷香氛洗手液 450ml 2024/03 ECOYA Sold Out Sold Out ECOYA 杜松漿果薄荷洗碗液 550ml 2024/07 ECOYA $980.00   ECOYA 杜松漿果薄荷典雅香氛蠟燭 160g ECOYA $1,280.00   ECOYA 大溪地酸橙葡萄柚香氛洗手液 450ml ECOYA $980.00